Monthly JobKeeper Reporting

Monthly JobKeeper Declaration

Once you have successfully enrolled into the JobKeeper scheme you must provide monthly information on your current and projected turnover.

Please note that this is not a retest of your eligibility, just an indication of how your business is progressing under the JobKeeper Payment scheme.

The monthly declaration can be done either by you through the business portal, or you can contact us to take care of it on your behalf.

Current and Projected Turnover

The commissioner will accept your assessment of these turnovers, unless he has reason to believe that the calculation of your projected GST turnover was not reasonable.

If there is a significant difference between the actual turnover and the projected turnover, this may trigger an enquiry from the ATO.

Although the projected turnover may just be your best calculated guess, it is important to keep good records to back up the projection. This will assist in explaining (if necessary) how you undertook the calculation, to show that you took reasonable steps.

Please keep a copy of these records, and we would also advise sending a copy through to us, in case we need to liaise with the Tax Office on your behalf.

To make a business declaration each month:

  • log in to the Business Portal using myGovID
  • view the COVD-19 screen and select Step 3 – Business monthly declaration for JobKeeper payment
  • provide your business’ current and projected GST turnover
  • reconfirm your eligible employees (refer below)
  • reconfirm your contact and financial institution details for receiving JobKeeper payments.
  • Use the Print friendly function to capture your successful JobKeeper monthly declaration in PDF format. You may want to save this information, including your JobKeeper receipt number, for your records.

If you have eligible employees:

  • ensure you have paid your eligible employees at least $1,500 (before tax) per JobKeeper fortnight that you’re claiming
  • check if your eligible employees have changed or left your employment. If so, you will need to notify the ATO by re-visiting Step 2 to maintain their details before completing your monthly declaration.